Rachael L. Thomas

Recent Products

Title ATOS Format Qty
Crisis Control: Then and Now 6.5
Media Matters: Then and Now 6.9
Viral Spread: Then and Now 6.5
Dodge Challenger 4.9
Make a Haunted House Your Way!
Make a Space Alien Your Way!
Prairie Dogs: Builders on the Plains 3.9
Sea Stars: Pacific Coast Predators 4.1
Animal Camouflage Clash 3.7
Animal Hibernator Battle 3.5
Animal Migrator Match-Up 3.6
#BlackLivesMatter: Protesting Racism 5.9

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Overall, I have been quite satisfied with MidAmerica. The preview process is easy, the prices are reasonable and comparable, and the customer service has been great. I would like to continue doing business with your company.
—Gayle Whitney Welch, Warrenton High School