Kindle Fire
  • $1,000 ORDERS
  • Qualify for a Kindle Fire *
  • * Order total must be $1,000 before shipping and tax, if applicable. Budget Saver Books ($4.99) are not counted toward the order total.
  • Add the Coupon Code KINDLEFIRE to your qualifying order at checkout.
    We will ship the Kindle Fire when we receive payment for the order.
Kindle Fire HD 10
  • $3,000 ORDERS
  • Qualify for a Kindle Fire HD 10*
  • * Order total must be $3,000 before shipping and tax, if applicable. Budget Saver Books ($4.99) are not counted toward the order total.
  • Add the Coupon Code FIREHD10 to your qualifying order at checkout.
    We will ship the Kindle Fire HD 10 when we receive payment for the order.
iPad Air
  • $5,000 ORDERS
  • Qualify for an iPad *
  • * Order total must be $5,000 before shipping and tax, if applicable. Budget Saver Books ($4.99) are not counted toward the order total.
  • Add the Coupon Code IPAD to your qualifying order at checkout.
    We will ship the iPad Air when we receive payment for the order.

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Thank you for your display preview box. It was a distinct advantage to have the books actually in-hand to preview and purchase. We look forward to future display boxes being sent as part of your Star Customer program...Thank you for your kind service.
—Carol Beall, Immanuel Christian School