Knock 'Em Dead: Book 4

Fab and his friends think they've found the perfect drummer for their rock band in his new neighbor, Zee. When Zee announces they've been invited to perform at his favorite club, Fab tries to be excited. But as the gig gets closer, Zee says they can't invite anyone and have to dress like him. Fab and his friends feel weird about the requests until they get onstage. The crowd loves them! But something seems odd about the crowd. Will Fab's suspicions about Zee be confirmed? Calico is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO.

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Grade 2 - Grade 5
Reading Level Grade 3
Dewey FIC
Lexile 630L
ATOS Reading Level 4.0
Accelerated Reader® Points 1.0
Guided Reading Level P
Copyright 2019
Number of Pages 112
Dimensions 5.75 x 8
Publisher Magic Wagon
Imprint Calico
ISBN 9781532133640
Format Reinforced Hardcover

Author: Johanna Gohmann