
The Scottsboro Boys

In 1931, nine black teenagers were arrested in Alabama. The young men were accused of crimes they did not commit, including rape. This unjust arrest led to years of imprisonment and trials for the young men, who were known as the Scottsboro Boys. The Scottsboro Boys examines their legacy and how their trials shaped the criminal justice system. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Core Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO.

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Grade 4 - Grade 8
Reading Level Grade 4
Dewey 345.7619503
Lexile 830L
ATOS Reading Level
Accelerated Reader® Points
Guided Reading Level S
Copyright 2019
Number of Pages 48
Dimensions 7.25 x 9.25
Publisher Abdo Publishing
Imprint Core Library
ISBN 9781532117756, 9781532170614, Q97756
Format Reinforced Hardcover, eBook, QR Bundle