The Field Day from the Black Lagoon

There's just one week until field day at the Black Lagoon and Hubie is going to be ready! But getting in shape in one week is harder than he thinks -- especially when the workout kit he has seems to be for chickens. When the two teams finally meet on the big day, there's more than winning at stake. Will their friendships survive the cut-throat water balloon tosses and three-legged races that await them? Spotlight editions are printed on high-quality paper and with reinforced library bindings specifically printed for the library market. Grades 3-6.

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 6
Reading Level Grade 3
Dewey FIC
Lexile 680L
ATOS Reading Level 3.6
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5
Guided Reading Level M
Copyright 2011
Number of Pages 64
Dimensions 5.25 x 7.5
Graphics 1-color illustrations
Publisher Spotlight
Imprint Chapter Books
ISBN 9781599618128
Format Reinforced Hardcover

Author: Mike Thaler

Illustrator: Jared Lee