The Fire

The Portal in Hawthorne Harbor is opening. Aaron Hawthorne must keep it closed. He plans the ritual and counts on his nephew John to assist him. But John is preoccupied with strange dreams, and thoughts that do not seem to be his own. When John steals items from Aaron's house that jeopardize the ritual, it seems he wants the Portal to open. Then John threatens Aaron's life, and Aaron admits what he has feared. That's not really John who is trying to kill him. But if it's not John, who is it? Claw is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO.

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Grade 4 - Grade 9
Reading Level Grade 5
Dewey FIC
Lexile 680L
ATOS Reading Level
Accelerated Reader® Points
Guided Reading Level
Copyright 2021
Number of Pages 112
Dimensions 5.75 x 8
Publisher Magic Wagon
Imprint Claw
ISBN 9781532138416, 9781532139130, 9781532139499, QM8416
Format Reinforced Hardcover, eBook, Read-to-Me eBook, QR Bundle

Illustrator: Neil Evans