US Space Force

This title introduces the United States' newest military branch, the US Space Force! Readers will learn how the United States plans to protect the nation and the world from space. Amazing photographs from the US military complete the book. This title is at a Level 3 and is written specifically for transitional readers. Aligned to Common Core standards & correlated to state standards. Dash! is an imprint of Abdo Zoom, a division of ABDO.

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 4
Reading Level Grade 2
Dewey 358.8
ATOS Reading Level
Accelerated Reader® Points
Guided Reading Level
Copyright 2022
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 6.5 x 9.25
Publisher Abdo Zoom
Imprint Dash!
ISBN 9781098226305, 9781098226442, 9781098226510, QZ6305
Format Reinforced Hardcover, eBook, Read-to-Me eBook, QR Bundle

Author: Julie Murray