Dooby Dooby Moo

Duck and his friends are at it again. This time they're pooling their considerable resources to win a local talent show, because first prize is a TRAMPOLINE. Duck wants to win that trampoline. But first he has three small problems: 1. Farmer Brown 2. Farmer Brown 3. Farmer Brown That remarkable, bestselling duo, Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin cordially invite you to the county fair, where the talent is truly wild. Spotlight is a division of ABDO and features licensed editions of popular fiction printed and bound specifically for the library market. Each Spotlight book is printed on the highest quality paper with reinforced library bindings.

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 2
Dewey E
Lexile AD490L
ATOS Reading Level 3.1
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5
Guided Reading Level M
Copyright 2006
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 8 x 10
Graphics Full-color illustrations
Publisher Spotlight
Imprint Picture Books
ISBN 9781599614236
Format Reinforced Hardcover

Author: Doreen Cronin

Illustrator: Betsy Lewin