UH-60 Black Hawk

This title explores the development and use of the UH-60 Black Hawk. Readers will follow the history of this front-line utility helicopter, and learn about its military and performance specifications. Features such as its radios, radar warning receiver, and infrared countermeasures system are detailed. Readers will learn about its weapon systems including pintle mounts, machine guns, and miniguns. Readers will discover the aircraft's operational use in in a variety of missions, including air assault, air cavalry, and aeromedical evacuations. The Black Hawk's two General Electric T700-GE-701 turboshaft engines are covered, as are the achievements and future of this important aircraft. A&D Xtreme is an imprint of ABDO Publishing Company.

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 9
Reading Level Grade 5
Dewey 623.74
Lexile 990L
ATOS Reading Level 6.1
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5
Guided Reading Level T
Copyright 2013
Number of Pages 32
Dimensions 7.25 x 9.25
Graphics Full-color photographs
Publisher Abdo Publishing
Imprint A&D Xtreme
ISBN 9781617836893, 9781614808497, Q36893
Format Reinforced Hardcover, eBook, QR Bundle

Author: John Hamilton