Emerald City of Oz: Vol. 2

Aunt Em and Uncle Henry trade in their rags for beautiful garb, but they are bored without farm life and the daily tasks they had grown accustom to. Ozma promises them some light work, but only after they meet the curious people of Oz. Elsewhere, King Roquat the Red--otherwise known as the Nome King--has sent Guph to gather allies for his attack on Emerald city. However, the Growleywogs may turn out to be less than worthy allies. Spotlight is a division of ABDO.

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 8
Reading Level Grade 4
Dewey 741.5
Lexile GN660L
ATOS Reading Level 3.8
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5
Guided Reading Level O
Copyright 2015
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 7.0625 x 10.4375
Publisher Spotlight
Imprint Marvel Illustrated
ISBN 9781614793533
Format Reinforced Hardcover

Author: Eric Shanower

Illustrator: Skottie Young