No Relief

Javon Park loves baseball. This summer, his team is fighting for the championship! As relief pitcher, Javon knows the final moments of every game belong to him. And after drum lessons from his older brother, Ki, Javon feels like he might have found his rhythm. Strike one, strike two, strike three. Will it be enough to take down a worthy opponent?

Format Price Qty
Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 7
Reading Level Grade 3
Dewey FIC
Lexile 450L
ATOS Reading Level 3.3
Accelerated Reader® Points 2.0
Guided Reading Level M
Copyright 2016
Number of Pages 112
Dimensions 5.75 x 8
Publisher Magic Wagon
Imprint Calico
ISBN 9781624021343
Format Reinforced Hardcover

Author: Rich Wallace

Illustrator: Tim Heitz