Especies extraordinarias (Super Species Set 2)

Meet some of the biggest, tallest, and heaviest animals in the world! Everything about this series is big, from the full-bleed photographs to the content. Readers will learn all that is super-sized about these sizable mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and insects. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Abdo Kids Jumbo is an imprint of Abdo Kids, a division of ABDO. Translated by native Spanish speakers--and immersion school educators.

Format Price Qty
Title ATOS Format Qty
Especies extraordinarias (Super Species Set 2) (6 titles)
Elefantes africanos (African Elephants) 2.2
Esturiones beluga (Beluga Sturgeons) 2.0
Ranas Goliat (Goliath Frogs) 1.8
Peces luna (Mola Ocean Sunfish) 1.7
Cocodrilos marinos (Saltwater Crocodiles) 2.0
Tigres siberianos (Siberian Tigers) 1.8
Interest Level Preschool - Grade 2
Reading Level Grade 1
Dewey 597.4-599.61096
Lexile 460L-570L
ATOS Reading Level 1.7-2.2
Accelerated Reader® Points 0.5
Guided Reading Level I-K
Copyright 2019
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 11.25 x 9.25
Publisher Abdo Kids Spanish
Imprint Abdo Kids Jumbo
ISBN 9781532184055, 9781532185137, QK4055
Format Reinforced Hardcover, eBook, QR Bundle